MEDIA RELEASE: Amanda Lambert joins Qualitas to bolster growth in wholesale adviser business
20 June 2022
Melbourne – Qualitas, one of Australia’s largest alternative real estate investment managers has appointed Amanda Lambert in the role of Director, Wholesale Advisor Distribution. Lambert’s responsibilities include overseeing the Qualitas distribution strategy across the intermediary segment including financial planners, stockbrokers, SMSF administrators and other wholesale investors for our unlisted funds plus our listed Qualitas Real Estate Income Fund. Lambert will be based in Melbourne and report to Tim Johansen, Global Head of Capital at Qualitas.
“We are delighted that someone with Amanda’s credentials and skillset is joining the expanding Qualitas team. Her background and extensive experience in distributing funds and investment solutions to the Australian market will be invaluable as we continue to grow our business,” said Johansen.
With over 15 years of experience in financial services, Lambert joins us from La Trobe Financial where she served as National Distribution Manager, where her responsibilities included, running a national distribution sales team to access capital from financial planners, stockbrokers and other wholesale investors. Previously, she has held distribution roles at Moelis (now MA Financial), National Australia Bank, BT and Macquarie.
Lambert added, “I’m thrilled to be joining Qualitas at such an exciting stage of the company’s development. I look forward to working with such a highly experienced team and contributing to the overall growth of the business as we expand our retail distribution.”
20 June 2022
For further information, please contact:
Kate Stokes, Head of Marketing and Communications, Qualitas
M: 0481 251 552
E: kate.stokes@qualitas.com.au
This media release has been prepared by Qualitas Securities Pty Ltd (ACN 136 451 128) (Qualitas Securities), holder of Australian Financial Services Licence number 342242. Qualitas Securities and its related bodies corporate and affiliates constitute the Qualitas group (Qualitas).
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